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Mindestens so lustig wie die FAQ sind aber die Kommentare: Anonymous said:

You know... i have to say you are a bit, no sorry, a huge dickhead... you constantly get things about the plot WRONG, you exaggerate the plot to create a MASSIVE negative bias, You yourself said you didnt know what was going on, which, given, could be the fault of the movie, or it could be your fucking fault for not giving a fuck, or being smart enough to figure it out, and you create bullshit just to screw with the story. For instance, you say the Decepticons are hiding and the Autobots come and kill them... i assume you are American, so tell me, honestly, what the fuck do you think your soldiers are doing in Afganistan and elsewhere? If there is a threat hiding in your backyard, but he's sleeping/hiding atm, are you going to leave it alone until it decides to shove a gun up your ass and pull the trigger? You must be a total retard, seriously. and John Tuturro does not do the translating (how the fuck could he possibly do that?) You then corrected yourself on the next page said, no, it wasnt Tuturro... and all that does is put a completely negative bias on the movie! You said at the top of the page that you actually went OUT OF YOUR WAY to write this, just to create more negativity. Yeah, the world needs heaps more of that!

Now, im not a massive Michael Bay fan, in fact, i think he's a general loser, the first movie pissed me off no end. Given, i didnt think the second movie was flawless, i thought it had many weird things, complications that shouldnt have happened, and totally unnecessary annoying things like Sams FUCKING INCOMPETENT shithead parents, that fucking beaurecreat, the two annoying twin robots (which, btw, were styled after Hillbillys/Rednecks, and not after black people, though, considering the highest majority of black people who act something similar to that would be in America, look at your own goddamn backyard before you talk about Cybertronian Society, which, ill remind you, DOESNT ACTUALLY EXIST, in which case the only thing left is your own damn backyard. Be proud

The problem i have is that you are exaggerating, explaining unclearly in order to create confusion, or flat out lying, just to make your point, and if you need to do that, maybe you should take a look at yourself and write about how much of a dickhead you are, instead of the movie.

Alot of things did annoy me... but you, sir, are just a sad, pathetic fucking troll with nothing better to do than exaggerate and lie about a movie so you can write a WEBPAGE (that other people will access and be biased by) about how bad the movie was, and just spread negativity and anger. Well done, well done.

Hope this "F.A.Q." made you feel like your dick was bigger than a marble, at least till the next movie, you probably need the confidence boost, fuckwit.

Oh mann, da ist die Intelligenz aber auch wieder unterwegs...
(Ups, Frage vergessen, ist das ein Problem?)
Autsch, ist ja schlimm. biggrin.gif

Auf der Seite, bei der ich den Link dahin gefunden habe, fanden andere nur: "Hey, stimmt. Ist mir gar nicht aufgefallen, dass die Decepticons gar nichts machen und trotzdem angegriffen werden." biggrin.gif