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Do you think there is any truth to the rumour that germany has to fear a terrorist attack? Everyone is like very frightened because of this message. Have you heard about it? What's your opinion?
Maybe there is a higher risk now. Maybe there are people on their way to Germany to attack us. Who knows, our politicians whip up the panic every six months and it's getting tiresome.
Will there be a terrorist attack in Germany someday? Sure. We have troups in Afghanistan, it's not like we are making friends with everybody. Should we be scared? Hell no. Terrorists don't really kill many people in relation to the whole population. The risk to die in a terrorist attack is lower than dying of the flu or winning the lottery. So I am not scared, even though I am more likely to be affected by a terrorist attack (because I live in Berlin). Terrorists want to scare us, and the best defense against terrorists is not to be scared.